Music City Miata Club, Inc Call for Nominations

According to Club Bylaws: "A Nominations Committee will be formed and chaired by the Past President. Nominations for officers will be solicited from the general membership as well as recruited by the Committee. Nominations will be “closed” and must be submitted by the Committee in writing or by email to the Membership Director no later than the November general meeting. The Membership Director will review the nominations to ensure the eligibility of the nominees.

"A slate of prospective officers will be presented to membership attending the November meeting, and will be sent to the Communications Coordinator for distribution to the entire membership. Voting will be done by e-mail or phone response to the Membership Chair prior to the December meeting.. Election results will be announced at the December meeting and subsequently communicated to the general membership.

"Newly elected officers will serve for a term of one year beginning January through December of the following year. Officers may be re-elected to serve additional terms, except for the office of President, who is limited to 2 consecutive terms, but may be re-elected after “sitting out” a year."

Director responsibilities are outlined in Bylaws in the Club Website.

Please consider who would make a great director of our Club. Fill in the names below. You need not nominate for all offices, but you may only nominate one person per office.

Your nominations will be forwarded to the Past President Dave Williams. The Membership Director will vet all nominations for eligibility.

Your nominations must be submitted by Oct 31, 2014.

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* 1. Your Name:

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* 2. I am a current member in good standing of Music City Miata Club, Inc

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* 3. Nomination for President

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* 4. Nomination for Vice President/President Elect

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* 5. Nomination for Secretary

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* 6. Nomination for Communications Director

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* 7. Nomination for Events Director

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* 8. Nomination for Membership Director

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* 9. Nomination for Finance Director

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* 10. Nomination for Historian