Call for Nominations

The winner will be announced at the Virtual Best of Canada’s Sign Industry Awards Ceremony on September 18, 2020, and will be featured in the Sign Association newsletter, our content in Sign Media Canada, and on the association’s website.

The award is presented to a member who has made an outstanding contribution to the Sign Association of Canada and the sign industry. 

Considerations for this award are:
  • A current member of the Sign Association of Canada
  • A member who has developed best practices, created professional guidelines and/or built a product or service that has improved the way the industry does business
  • Their expertise, professional influence, entrepreneurialism or academic position has provided others with the opportunity, inspiration or ability to pursue excellence in the world of signage
  • A member who has risen to become a recognized leader in the industry
  • A member who represents everything sign professionals should be/achieve: industry experience, client satisfaction, business acumen, and mentorship.
Members are encouraged to submit nominees for the award. Nomination submissions must be received by the Sign Association office by August 10, 2020. A selection committee will review all submissions and will base their selection on the information provided.  Nominators may be contacted for additional information. If you have any questions, please contact

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* 1. Nominator Information. Please provide your contact information.

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* 2. Nominee Information. Please provide the contact information of the person you are nominating.

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* 3. This nominee is a current member of the Sign Association of Canada

Nomination Information. In the space below or in a letter not exceeding 500 words, please answer the following three questions. Please keep in mind the criteria for the award when discussing the nominee’s achievements.

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* 4. Summarize the nominee’s experience in his/her organization or within the sign industry in the areas of leadership, expertise and mentorship.

  Less than a year 1-2 Years 2-5 Years 5-10 Years 10+ Years None

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* 5. Describe the nominee's most significant achievements within the sign industry in the areas of entrepreneurialism, leadership and expertise. Provide examples of initiatives, efforts, programs and/or policies that have contributed to the nominee's success.

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* 6. Please provide any recognition/awards received by the nominee and the organization that awarded them.