Bookseller Information

CIBA is building a book buyer discovery and marketing portal that will provide a centralized book search function for fulfillment by the bookstore chosen by the consumer using Shop Local functionality. Customers will also be able to find information on each individual bookstore. Please complete the following survey to ensure the details of your store are accurately described. 

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* 1. Please provide the trade-name(s) of your bookstore location(s) (the name the general public would use to identify you).

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* 2. Please provide the physical location(s) of your bookstore(s). Format as follows: [address line 1], [address line 2 - if required], [city/town], [2 character province code].

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* 3. Please provide the phone number for you bookstore(s).

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* 4. Please provide the URL (internet address) for your online bookstore (https://[your web address])

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* 5. Please indicate your online bookstore system provider

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* 6. Please indicate whether you provide data to enable inclusion in Bookmanager Shop Local program. (Example of Shop Local functionality)

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* 7. Please select the category that best describes your bookstore

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* 8. Please indicate any non-book specialties that your bookstore features

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* 9. Please indicate special services provided by your bookstore

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* 10. Please provide us with a short store description to be added to the public directory.

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* 11. Please indicate who submitted this information