Get Found First has partnered with One Claim Solutions for this brief survey to benchmark your billing practices and help you stay in the know. The survey only takes a few minutes, and we’ll be sharing the final data with those that participate. All personal information will be withheld and kept private.

We’ll also randomly choose 10 people to receive a $200 Amazon Gift Card! All you have to do is participate.

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* 1. Name

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* 3. How much revenue did your restoration business generate in 2023 (or in the last twelve consecutive months)?

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* 4. How does this revenue breakdown by service line - allocate 100 points across the following service lines.

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* 5. Allocate 100 points based on the breakdown of the types of jobs you work on:

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* 6. Allocate 100 points based on the breakdown of how you source jobs:

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* 7. Which best describes the price list used in your invoices?

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* 8. What is your average invoice amount?

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* 9. On average, what portion of this invoice do you collect?

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* 10. On average, how long does it take to collect on your claims?

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* 11. When it comes to claims management (getting paid in full and on time) how do you feel you are doing?

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* 12. Which best describes the way you currently negotiate invoices with insurance carriers?

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* 13. Do you think AI (artificial intelligence) can have a positive role in improving results in your insurance claim submission processes and results?