You have our sincere gratitude for your time and expertise.

This survey is an early step in the Flinn Foundation's efforts to understand the workforce- and talent-related challenges and assets that are impacting the region's bioscience sector, including hospitals. Your participation will help us profile the talent pipeline on which we all rely and begin to build actionable strategies that will optimize the emerging supply of quality talent.
We hope that a member of your faculty or administration with particular familiarity with your institution's bioscience and health care programs of study will complete this exercise. You will be asked about your perspectives on multiple facets of the educational ecosystem that support Arizona's bioscience and hospital sector, keys to your institution's success, and your plans for the future of bioscience education.

The survey will remain open until September 15.
Again, our sincere thanks for your effort. We are continually amazed by the expertise and passion of our region's biosciences and hospital ecosystem.