The CSCP are currently undertaking a review of the effectiveness of the partnerships work in relation to child exploitation.  As part of this review it is essential that we hear from professionals across all organisations within the partnership so we are able to build an accurate picture of agencies and professionals knowledge and experience of child exploitation. 
The overarching aim of the review is to explore  if Cumbria's Child Exploitation Strategy and tools are improving practice and that it is evidenced that children and young people are being kept safe from child exploitation. 
The CSCP will be gathering information from a range of methods and would like you to take 10 minutes to complete this survey on your experience of child exploitation. 

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* 1. Do you know how to raise concerns if you think a child/young person may be at risk of or being exploited?

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* 2. Are your aware of the Cumbria Vulnerabilities Checklist to support the identification of Child Exploitation ?

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* 3. Have you used the Cumbria Vulnerability Checklist to help identify risks of exploitation?

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* 4. Do you know how to make a referral if you are worried that a child/young person may be at risk of or actively being exploited?

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* 5. Have you contributed to a multi-agency Child Exploitation Risk Assessment ?
(this is completed within Level 1 Child Exploitation meeting).

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* 6. Did you feel the multi agency Child Exploitation Risk Assessment adequately assessed and addressed the risks?

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* 7. Have you completed any Child Exploitation training ?

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* 8. Do you know if your organisation has a Child Exploitation Champion ?

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* 9. Do you feel that the response to young people at the risk of exploitation, has improved since the Exploitation Strategy, Pathways, Tools and new ways of working were launched in 2020?

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* 10. Have you any suggestions about how agencies could improve how they work together to tackle child exploitation? Please include any feedback on the current process. 

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* 11. Finally, please tell us what type of organisation you are a practitioner for.