This year's workshop will take place at Echo Bluff State Park in Eminence, MO.  Lodging information, including the phone number for making a reservation, is available on the Association of Missouri Interpreters webpage.  The following registration process does not include your hotel reservation. If you need ADA accommodations please let the Echo Bluff staff know when you make lodging reservations.
This registration form will give the workshop committee a means of tracking registrations electronically, but you will NOT be able to pay for your registration from here.  Your confirmation email will include instructions on how to send payment to AMI treasurer Michelle Soenksen via mail or phone.  We realize many of you will use your agency's purchasing cards for payment, so AMI obtained the ability to accept credit card payments.  To save service charges, you will be asked to fill out a form and mail the information to Michelle, or call her and give her your credit card number.  We hope to have online payment capability in the future without the use of third party processors, but we are still looking for a safe and affordable option.
Please visit for full field session descriptions, workshop schedule, and other important workshop news.
If you have any questions, please email workshop chair Jamin Bray at or call (573-729-0465).
Registration deadline is August 24th, 2018