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100% of survey complete.
The following survey questions are designed to stimulate thought around your own capabilities and those of your organization.  When answering the questions, think about your organization, your functional department, and your own actions at a high level over the course of a year. There are no right or wrong questions and all responses are confidential so please respond honestly.

Question Title

* 1. My company has a clear business strategy that I fully understand.

Question Title

* 2. It is clear to me how my department / function contributes to, and supports, my company's overall business strategy.

Question Title

* 3. I use my understanding of my company's strategy to guide my day-to-day decision making.

Question Title

* 4. Rate to what extent the following factors drive your day-to-day decisions.

  Almost always Often Sometimes Seldom Never
Company strategy
Company's current financial outlook
My department / function budget
Competitors' actions
Customers' customers
Market conditions

Question Title

* 5. Rate your understanding of the factors that could drive your day-to-day decisions.

  Very Good Good Acceptable Poor Very Poor
Company strategy
Company's current financial outlook
My department / function budget
Competitors' actions
Customers' customers
Market conditions

Question Title

* 6. I use data, analytics, financial information, and company reporting to help me make better business decisions.

Question Title

* 7. Rate your comfort level and understanding in the following areas:

  Very Good Good Acceptable Poor Very Poor
How your company makes money.
How your department / function contributes to shareholder value.
Where your department / function impacts the Income Statement.
How other departments / functions affect the Income Statement.
How to create and manage a budget.
How to read your company's Income Statement.
How to analyze a Balance Sheet.
What Total Shareholder Return means.

Question Title

* 8. Thinking back to last year, estimate the percent to which…

  <25% 26%-50% 51%-75% 76%-100% >100% N/A | Not Sure
Your company achieved its stated targets and results
You personally achieved your goals / objectives / KPIs / commitments

Question Title

* 9. Please select the option that best describes your department / function.

Question Title

* 10. Please choose your company size:

Question Title

* 11. Please provide any additional comments regarding the business challenges and opportunities your company is facing, either internally or driven externally.

Question Title

* 12. Please enter your contact information below to receive a complimentary copy of our report and for a chance to win an Apple Watch.