APATX North Central Section Survey 

Please complete this 10-question survey to help the APATX North Central section establish its priorities and plan programs/events for 2024. We look forward to reviewing your feedback and serving you in the upcoming year.
1.What is the primary membership benefit/value that you would like the APATX North Central Section to provide you with?
2.Did you attend an APATX North Central Section event over the past two (2) years?
3.If you answered YES to Question 2:
How would you rate the events [APATX North Central Section] you attended?
4.What is your primary reason for not attending association events? (Select all that apply)
5.What social platform do you prefer to receive information about upcoming section events?
6.What type of events would you be more likely to attend? (Choose all that apply)
7.What is your preferred time to attend an APA event?
8.Are there any specific improvements or changes you would like to see in section programs or events?
9.In what cities or areas within the North Central section would you like to see future events hosted?

If you are interested in hosting or collaborating on an event, please provide your email in the last survey question.
10.Are you interested in a more active role in the section or hosting an event in your community? If YES, please include your area of interest and email address and a BOD member will reach out to you directly.