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* 1. What brand(s) of Catalyst Acoustics Group (CAG) virtual presentations have you attended?

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* 2. What type of virtual presentations have you participated in from CAG Companies?

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* 3. Did you find the virtual method of presenting to be effective?

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* 4. Will you continue to attend CAG virtual presentations as they are offered?

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* 5. What topics would you like to see covered in a future CAG virtual presentations?

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* 6. Have you participated in non-Catalyst Acoustics Group virtual presentations?

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* 7. If yes, in general how did the Catalyst Acoustics offerings compare to the other presentations?

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* 8. In addition to virtual presentations, what can Catalyst Acoustics do better to reach our clients during this unprecedented time?

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* 9. Will you consider attending Trade Shows in the next 12 months if they resume?

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* 10. If no, what is the main cause?

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* 11. If Catalyst Acoustics Group were to hold a regional invitation only event where you could come and have access to the Catalyst Brands similar to a trade show, would you attend?

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* 12. Market and Project Momentum: What do you anticipate market activity to be for the next 12 months as it pertains to new projects and opportunities?

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* 13. Contact Information (Optional)