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CCRA is gathering examples of how remote appearances are being handled in California’s courtrooms and the impact remote appearances are having on the court reporter’s ability to capture the record, the interpreter’s ability to interpret the proceedings, and the impact to court staff, litigants, attorneys, and judges. We need to hear from you on this very important issue!
Pursuant to CCP 367.9, a working group has been established to develop recommendations to the Legislature and Governor for a statewide framework for remote civil court proceedings and court reporter availability and workforce.  CCRA is represented in this working group and needs to hear specific examples from you so we can adequately address our needs to the Legislature and Governor. 
The specific examples you provide in this form will be used by CCRA and shared with the Judicial Council working group, however, we will not use or disclose your name or contact information.   We do require that you provide your name, e-mail address, and phone number in case we need to contact you for further details.  Your real-life examples and input into how remote appearances in California’s courtrooms are working is invaluable to this process.  Thank you for your submission.

Question Title

* 1. Name

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* 2. Email Address

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* 3. Phone Number

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* 5. If you answered court reporter in question 4, please provide your CSR Number

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* 6. If you answered court reporter in question 4

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* 7. County of Proceedings

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* 8. Type of Proceeding

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* 9. Proceeding Name

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* 10. Department Number

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* 11. Case Number

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* 12. Who appeared remotely? (check all that apply)

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* 13. Type of Remote Technology

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* 14. Describe what happened with the remote appearance that you believe creates an access to  justice problem, problem with capturing the record, the interpretation process, technology issue, etc.

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* 15. Was the proceeding delayed or continued to another day because of these issues?

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* 16. Describe what, if anything, could have fixed this issue or problem.

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* 17. Please provide any other information you would like us to know.

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