Volunteer Areas of Interest

Dear Valued ACCCA Member,

Thank you for your interest in becoming a volunteer for ACCCA!

So that we can best direct your talent and interests, the following survey will help us narrow the scope of your personalized volunteer engagement and the time commitment that works best for you.

The following 6 questions are brief, but they allow you to design your volunteer experience.  Please complete the contact information and the survey questions, and we will get in touch with you about some specific opportunities that are or will be available in the coming year.

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* 1. Please provide us with the best contact information for you.

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* 2. Which best describes your reason for volunteering with ACCCA:

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* 3. Which best describes your preferred level of commitment

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* 4. What is the style of volunteer work that you'd like to be involved in? (select all that apply)

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* 5. Do you have any travel restrictions? [This is a pre-pandemic question.  Clearly travel is out for the foreseeable future, but when we resume in-person activities, this will help us understand your preferences or limitations.]

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* 6. Following are some examples of volunteer opportunities.  Please indicate which of these appeal to you (select all that apply)

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* 7. Do you have any physical limitations we will need to accommodate?

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* 8. Please enter today's date:

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* 9. Please enter the best way to contact you: