Your AIJA Experience
When did you join AIJA?
Less than 1 year ago
Between 1 and 3 years ago
Between 3 and 5 years ago
More than 5 years ago
How did you learn about AIJA?
From AIJA’s National Representative in your country
From another lawyer outside your law firm
From another lawyer at your law firm
It was a managerial decision at your law firm to join the Association
From your local Bar Association
From university event
From Google search
From onsite advertisement
From a friend
Other (please specify)
How many events have you attended since becoming a member?
Were any of the events an Annual Congress? If yes, how many?
Were any of the events online? If yes, how many?
What type of event content are you mostly interested in? (more than one answer is possible)
Online academic sessions
Onsite academic sessions
Working on a specific task in small groups
Online networking sessions
Outdoor activities as part of an onsite social program
Sightseeing as part of an onsite social program
One-to-one (personal) couch sessions
Business development knowledge
Firm / personal branding knowledge
Social media branding knowledge
Soft skills development - negotiations, client onboarding, client retention, staff recruitment, etc.
Other (please specify)
What type of challenges do you face as an AIJA member? (more than one answer is possible)
Financial – membership fee, events fees, travel / hotel expenses
Social - lack of interest in networking / academic sessions
Age - being close to 45 y.o. or being too young (just graduated, junior associate, etc.)
Hardship allocating a budget for events
Travelling abroad
Short on time
Lack of return gain considering the time / expenses invested
Other (please specify)
Would you like to be more active as an AIJA member?
Not sure
What would motivate you to be more active as an AIJA member? (more than one answer is possible)
Lower fees for onsite events
Lower membership fee
Local informal gatherings (after work drinks, lunches, etc.)
Local academic sessions
Online events
Bigger local AIJA group
Participation in the Organizing Committee of an event
Having better understanding of the AIJA internal structure (committees, Bureau, etc.) and possible inclusion in any of the bodies
Other (please specify)
Do you plan on terminating your AIJA membership?
Please give more details why:
Current Progress,
0 of 10 answered