Thanks for your interest in our survey. We want to understand more about what companies do with their unwanted corporate uniforms and what the barriers are that prevent companies from making more sustainable decisions. Your responses, together with all the other respondents’, will give us a clearer picture of how things are now and will enable us to explore the possibilities for improvement. All responses will be treated in strictest confidence, and no response will be attributed to any one company. We really appreciate you taking the time to complete this short survey; thank you!

Question Title

* 1. When designing corporate uniforms, to what extent does your company consider the following:

  Not at all To some extent A great deal
Design uniforms to last longer
Design uniforms to be easier to re-use or recycle

Question Title

* 2. What are the factors that prevent your company from considering these factors more in the design of your uniforms?
(tick all that apply)

Question Title

* 3. To what extent has your company taken action to improve the following when sourcing corporate uniforms:

  Not at all To some extent A great deal
The environmental impact of the materials
The labour conditions in the supply chain

Question Title

* 4. What are the factors that prevent your company from considering the environmental impact or labour conditions in the supply chain more?
(tick all that apply)

Question Title

* 5. What currently happens to your corporate uniforms when no longer needed?
Please tell us the approximate % of your unwanted uniforms disposed of via each method:

Question Title

* 6. Please tell us a little more about what your company does with uniforms

Question Title

* 7. What factors have prevented your company from disposing of uniforms more sustainably?
Tick all that apply:

Thanks for taking the time to complete this survey. We'll be revealing the results of the survey and exploring some answers to the question of 'how to stop 90% of corporate uniforms going to landfill' at an event at the House of Commons on Tuesday 1st December. To register your interest and find out more, please email us