Please fill out this commitment with recipient only after going through Education Worksheet.

Question Title

* 1. First Name

Question Title

* 2. Last Name

Question Title

* 3. Is this participant an Xcel customer?

Question Title

* 4. Preferred Language

Question Title

* 5. Zip Code

Question Title

* 6. Which One Time Action will you take to lower your gas or electric bill? (If appointment is in-person, have them write these actions on their magnet)

Question Title

* 7. Which Everyday Action will you take to lower your gas or electric bill? (If appointment is in-person, have them write these actions on their magnet)

Question Title

* 8. Do you commit to checking your energy use each month to understand how your actions are affecting your gas or electric bills?

Question Title

* 9. How do you typically view your energy bill?

Question Title

* 10. Was this appointment...

Question Title

* 11. Energy Outreach Colorado (the non-profit that funds this program) would like to reach out to you to offer additional tools, support and seasonal reminders. Please provide e-mail address and mobile number that receives texts (if any). Provide mailing address for those without email or mobile phone.

Question Title

* 12. Additional comments from appointment