Question Title

* 1. Please identify which of the following community resources you find most valuable to you or your family.  Indicate whether each listed service is: most valuable, somewhat valuable, neutral/do not know/do not need, fairly valuable, or not valuable, by checking the appropriate box.

  Most valuable Somewhat valuable Neutral/Do not Know/Do not need Fairly Valuable Not valuable
Support for Caregivers of children with disabilities
Parenting Skills Training
Certificate/Degree Programs to help people get jobs
Child Care
Youth Programs (ages 5-12)
Teen Programs (ages 13-18)
Help for people who want to live a healthy lifestyle
Help for People Seeking Employment
Employment Assistance for Civilians
Help for People Starting a Business
Financial Education/Credit Counseling
Healthy Relationship Classes
Mental Health Services
Support for Single Parents
Military Family Life Counselors
Support for Single Service Members
Support for Divorced Families

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* 2. Please check if the following barriers are issues to you and your family in seeking/gaining assistance with your basic needs. (select all that apply)

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* 3. Check if you know where to go for assistance if you or someone you know were experiencing the following issues:

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* 4. How involved are you in your community?

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* 5. I am actively involved in my unit.

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* 6. How do rate JB MDL as a place to work and live?

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* 7. Provide one area of improvement you would like to see at JB MDL

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* 8. Please provide any areas of sustainment at JB MDL (the good stuff!)- what you like most at JB MDL

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* 9. What is your preferred method of obtaining information at JB MDL? (you may select more than one)

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* 10. Thank you for sharing your opinions with us.  Please tell us which of the following apply to you.  This information will not be used to specifically identify you.  (please check all that apply)