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Youth Stakeholder Review Survey

A review working group of experienced Youth personnel from Auckland clubs is interested in hearing from you as a participant in the Youth competition so we can ensure we deliver fit for purpose 2023 offerings in this space.

Please complete the survey by August 14. All entries will go into the draw for a brand new Gryphon Hockey stick donated by Just Hockey!

Our aim is to hear from as many 13-18 year old youth players, coaches, managers, umpires, parents and administrators in clubs so the review group can collect common themes worthy of consideration by Auckland Hockey for the 2023 season.

Auckland Hockey 

Question Title

* 1. I am completing this survey as a:

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* 2. The gender I identify with is:

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* 4. I also play or am involved in College Sport school hockey

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* 5. My School Hockey team plays in:

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* 6. The club I play for/am involved with is:

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* 7. I also participate in Divisional Adult Hockey in the following grade:

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* 8. My youth grade is:

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* 9. If Hockey contact sessions are defined as Games or Practices lasting one hour+ and including warm ups, how many sessions do you take part in per typical week in the winter season?

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* 10. What are the top 3 reasons you play Club Youth Hockey?

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* 11. What are the top 3 reasons you play College Sport School Hockey?

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* 12. Have you had a break from Hockey in the last 2 winters due to physical injury, illness or other forms of burnout?

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* 13. How long were you away from hockey for in terms of weeks?

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* 14. Are you involved in other winter sports?

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* 15. If you answered YES to question 14 is this a:

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* 16. How many contact sessions per week do you have in other winter sports in a typical week?

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* 17.  Have you played injured at any point in the last 2 seasons?

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* 18. What are the 3 things you would like for a positive hockey experience?

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* 19. How many hours do you or your caregivers/parents spend travelling to/from hockey sessions in a typical winter's week?

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* 20. Are you involved in any summer hockey activities or development programmes?

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* 21. Which of the following would you prefer?

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* 22.  Do you think we should stick to the wide age band of 13-18 year old youth players?

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* 23. Or would you like yr 7-8, 9-11, yr 12-13 bands of opportunities?

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* 24.  Do you have any other comments for the review group? Things you think will enhance the Youth hockey experience in Auckland.

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* 25. What is your name and email address?

0 of 25 answered