Morphology of Magpie House

1.2024 heralds 20 years of service at Magpie House in Upwey Victoria Australia. Continue from here? Please read the 2004 Mission Statement at .
2.Another 20 years? I'll be 90 by then, & That's Okay! "The body is designed to live forever" (more or less), can show you how & why. Such as , but there's lots more.
3.But, taking our own advice, already de-centralizing away from Big City. Like to know more? How about New Management, new Name, Re-Branding & Refurbishment into something dynamically community interactive?
4.Or simply sell the venue to the highest bidder? Would make a great place of intoxication & merriment, in what may already be an in-toxic-ated society! Up to you. Gratitude for the wild journey of hundreds of presentations & what makes each of us Powerful Beyond Measure. Always remember, Observe what you Believe in order to Be in this World, but Not Of It.