1. Veteran & Family Survey

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50% of survey complete.
The followings questions that will be answered will assist in increasing the quality of outreach, care and assistance for other Veterans and their families.

There are over 8700 Veterans; 500 are female veterans with in all BVCA Counties which is 11% of all populations in Butler, Fillmore, Gage, Jefferson, Polk, Saline, Seward, Thayer and York counties.

They need your fellow Veteran or family member support and assistance in obtaining help with their problems to get them on their feet. Many are too proud to ask for help or any type of assistance. Over 2500 are either homeless, near homeless or impoverished due to the distance or disabilities they face on a daily basis. Please fill out this survey and your time is appreciated.


Question Title

* 1. County in which you live or Veteran lives:

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* 2. In which branch (or branches) of the United States Military have you or a family member served?

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* 3. Veterans Era/ Location served during:

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* 4. Current or past status (Check all that apply)

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* 5. If you are a family member of a Veteran; indicate your relationship.

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* 7. Do you know of the Veteran’s Choice program (Vets living 40 miles (+) from a VA clinic or hospital)?

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* 8. I am interested in learning about the following Veteran services: (check all that apply)