Hello FAB Fulton Business, 
In order to better serve, support and promote our business community we are asking every business in the FAB Fulton Business Improvement District to complete the survey below. If you have any questions or concerns, please email contactus@faballiance.org

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* 1. Contact 

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* 2. Please check all the applicable boxes that describe your business:

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* 3. About your business space and operations (check all that apply)

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* 4. Number of total locations

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* 5. Landlord's Name and Number (for your FAB-area location)

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* 6. Years in operation (select one for only your FAB-area location)

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* 7. Anniversary date of opening (for your FAB-area location)

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* 8. Check all applicable to your FAB-area location:

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* 9. How do you communicate with your customers/clients?

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* 10. Is there anything else you would like to share about your business?