We’re interested in your thoughts on proposed improvements to Mills Lane and Swanson Street.

Please check out the preliminary design and accompanying information before completing this survey. You can view the preliminary design information pack here.

You can also scan and email your completed form to: citycentre@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz

Consultation and community engagement on the upgrade design is open until 4 June 2024.

After considering public input, the council will develop the final design for the Mills Lane and Swanson Street improvements. We are currently planning to begin construction in early 2025.

Please review the preliminary design and accompanying information before answering the following questions. All questions are optional.

Important privacy information

The personal information that you provide in this form will be held and protected by Auckland Council in accordance with our privacy policy (available at aucklandcouncil.govt.nz/privacy and at our libraries and service centres) and with the Privacy Act 1993.

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* 1. To be added to our database and receive updates about this project, please provide your email below.

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* 2. What is your relationship to Mills Lane/Swanson Street?
Please select all that apply

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* 3. Do you support the draft design for Mills Lane and Swanson Street?

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* 4. We are proposing changes to improve your experience using the laneways. Do you think the design helps to achieve this?

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* 5. We are planning ahead to minimise disruption to neighbours while we make the changes to this area. Is there anything you’d particularly like us to be aware of so we can be considerate during the construction process?

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* 6. Is there anything else you'd like to tell us?

The following questions are optional, but will help us understand which groups of the community are engaging with us.

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* 7. Your details.

Whilst your name and personal details will be kept private, we may use your feedback in public documents.

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* 8. What is your gender?

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* 9. Tick if anything else applies.

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* 10. Which age group do you belong to?

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* 11. Which of the following describes your ethnicity? (Please select as many as apply)

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* 12. If your feedback is on behalf of a business, please share the name and address of the business.