Unstructured data has been recognized to fuel AI. IT leaders need to ensure that the right data is securely available to feed AI services and automate the process. To shape our vision for the role Komprise can play, please answer the following questions.

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* 1. What is your role/title (Single select)

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* 2. What is your relationship to Komprise? (single select)

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* 3. What role (s) do you think will be most involved in preparing and delivering unstructured data to AI services? (multiselect)

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* 4. Which unstructured data management and AI use cases would be most interesting to you and your organization? (multiselect):

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* 5. If you said yes to 4a, we would appreciate some additional detail: (multiselect)

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* 6. Are you currently or will you be involved in an AI initiative in the next 6-12 months? (single select)

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* 7. Do you currently deal with unstructured file and object data?

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* 8. If yes, do you anticipate needing to use these data sets (or help others do so) in an AI service in the next 6-12 months?

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* 9. If you are interested in a 20-30 minute call to share your feedback and needs as it pertains to AI and potentially impact our direction, please share your contact information below.