Florida Polygraph Association Member Survey Question Title * 1. How long have you been a member of the FPA? Question Title * 2. Are you a member of any other polygraph association? Yes No Question Title * 3. Are you actively conducting polygraph examinations? Yes No Question Title * 4. In what capacity do you conduct polygraph examinations? Private Examiner Law Enforcement or Government Examiner Question Title * 5. Please check all of the following that apply I conduct polygraph examinations I conduct polygraph training I conduct polygraph research I have testified as an expert witness regarding polygraph Question Title * 6. Please rate the overall value FPA provides you in your polygraph practice No value Very little value Little value Some value Valuable Extremely valuable Question Title * 7. Please explain rating in Question 6 Question Title * 8. Please list some of the aspects of the FPA that you believe assist you in your polygraph practice Question Title * 9. Do you attend annual polygraph training? Yes No Question Title * 10. Approximately how many hours of training do you attend annually? Question Title * 11. How many FPA seminars have you attended? Question Title * 12. If you do not attend FPA Seminars, please list reason(s) why Question Title * 13. If you have attended FPA training in the past, how would you rate the quality of that training overall? Poor Good Average Above average Excellent Question Title * 14. Please rank the following factors in order of their influence on whether or not you would attend an FPA Seminar. Question Title * 15. Please list any suggestions you have to improve the FPA and better serve members Question Title * 16. Please list any suggestions you would have to improve the FPA Seminar Question Title * 17. Do you have any certifications from the FPA? Yes No Question Title * 18. What is your opinion of the FPA website? Extremely helpful Very helpful Somewhat helpful Not so helpful Not at all helpful Question Title * 19. Please list any suggestions you may have to improve the FPA website. Question Title * 20. Do you have any interest in seeking a position as a board member or office? If yes please leave your name. Done