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* 1. How many club rides were you able to attend this  season?

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* 2. Did you get what you expected out of the club?

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* 3. How was the ride skill level and pace?

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* 4. Registration will open January 1, 2024. Will you join the club again for 2024 our 15th season?

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* 5. Were the volunteer club leaders helpful and pleasant?

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* 6. We are in need of more leaders. Would you like to volunteer to be a leader?
(If yes, leader or sweep, please email

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* 7. Tell us how we can improve the club rides.

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* 8. Would you join us on monthly destination rides if we brought them back? eg. albion, hydrocut, dufferin, jefferson, turkey point

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* 9. Annual General Meeting on ZOOM,
We need engagement so for convenience we'll do it virtually. 7pm Wednesday night. Pick the Wednesday that's best for you. We'll go with the majority.