The Emotional Fallout of Covid

Covid Fallout: Are you still struggling in certain areas of your life since Covid?

We are getting many requests for additional information and assistance with ongoing issues as result of the pandemic, especially concerning the emotional fallout. None of this information will be shared with any third party. It is just for our own research so we may best assist you in your continued healing, support and growth. We are working on solutions, products and programs to help all of us heal and thrive to return to being our best selves.
1.How did you find out about this survey?(Required.)
2.Are you male or female? (optional and for research purposes only)
3.What age bracket are you in? (optional and for research purposes only)
4.Which areas of your life are you still struggling with since Covid? (check all that apply)(Required.)
5.What did you lose during the last 3 years (as a result of the pandemic)? (check all that apply)(Required.)
6.Which of the following EMOTIONAL or MENTAL issues are you currently struggling with that either came on during or after the pandemic or have worsened since 2020? (Check all that apply)(Required.)
7.If you could wave a magic wand and have your biggest challenge disappear, what would it be? (can be more than one - be specific)(Required.)
8.OK, let's flip gears. Are you now READY and willing to do the following? (check all that apply)(Required.)
9.Would you be interested in any of the following to help you tackle your current challenges? (check all that apply)(Required.)
10.Email Address (for follow up purposes only)(Required.)
11.Thank you. We will be in touch with you shortly. Anything else you want us to know? (optional)