SPEC Parishioner Survey

Your ideas on Worship, Parish Community and Outreach

Three vision teams, examining Worship, Parish Community and Outreach, are working to imagine the future of St. Peter's. Our charge is to think big and bold, looking into the coming years and recommending strategies that will grow and enhance our Church life.
We ask for your help in dreaming about the future of St. Peter's -- a future that provides expansive worship and educational experiences beyond Sunday (our Worship), that encourages a loving and diverse community with a shared calling (our Parish Community), and that inspires us to transform St. Louis and beyond in the name of Christ (our Outreach).
Please provide your thoughts on the questions that follow. We are grateful for your participation and ideas. Thank you!
1.What do you find to be most important about St. Peter’s worship and Christian formation/educational opportunities and would not change?
2.What substantial aspect of St Peter’s worship or education would you change or improve? Please think big and consider how we might draw more people to our worship and Christian formation in the next one to three years.
3.If another worship service or educational opportunity could be added, what time would you support?
4.Assuming budget is not a constraint, what changes could you envision for the interior spaces of our facilities (all buildings and rooms) that would enhance, optimize or strengthen parish life at St. Peter’s? In your response, consider what would make our parish community an oasis 10-15 years into the future.
5.St. Peter’s property extends beyond our buildings and parking lot. What changes could you envision for the exterior spaces of our facilities that would enhance, optimize or strengthen parish life at St. Peter’s? Again, please consider what would make our parish community an oasis 10-15 years into the future.
6.What is the best way for St. Peter's to effectively communicate opportunities for parishioners to get involved in Church activities such as outreach initiatives?
7.What non-profit organization(s) do you personally support and in what capacity (i.e. board member, volunteer, donation, etc).
8.You have an option to include your name, for potential followup, if you would like, but this is not required. Please provide your name and the best way to contact you, if you are interested.