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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice questions and will take you about 1 minute to complete!

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* 1. What is the shelf life for most pesticides?

Pesticides deteriorate over time particularly if stored in hot and humid conditions or kept for too long.

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* 2. What are the three most common ways for pesticides to enter the body?

Exposure to pesticides can be minimised by keeping pesticides in their original container, always following the label instructions and storing pesticides in a well ventilated, dark and cool place.

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* 3. Exposure to pesticides can occur through all of these pathways. The greatest potential for pesticide exposure occurs through which ONE of the following ways?

Exposure can occur through a combination of entry modes. For instance, dermal (skin absorption) also becomes oral when your hands are not washed prior to eating.

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* 4. From the situations below, select the statement that is NOT correct.

Pesticide toxicity depends on a range of factors: the type of chemical, the quantity entering the body, where the chemical contacts the body, the air temperature and the length of time of exposure. Individual health and age also plays a part.

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* 5. Thinking of areas on the body that can absorb pesticides. Select the answer that identifies the four areas on the skin that have the greatest skin absorption rates?

Absorption rates increase with increasing temperature and skin integrity among other factors.