Copy of Customer Support Feedback Survey Thank you for taking this survey! We are interested in your honest opinions so that we can continue to improve our customer support. Question Title * 1. How satisfied are you with the service San Mateo County Fire Department has provided you? Extremely satisfied Very satisfied Somewhat satisfied Not so satisfied Not at all satisfied Question Title * 2. How knowledgeable did you find fire personnel when handling your issue? Extremely knowledgeable Very knowledgeable Somewhat knowledgeable Not so knowledgeable Not at all knowledgeable Question Title * 3. How respectful did you find personnel who assisted you? Extremely respectful Very respectful Somewhat respectful Not so respectful Not at all respectful Question Title * 4. What improvements would you like to suggest to improve our service? Question Title * 5. Was your issue completely resolved? Yes No Other (please specify) Question Title * 6. Based on your interaction with our customer support team, how likely is it that you would recommend San Mateo County Fire Department to a friend or colleague? Not at all likely Extremely likely 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Question Title * 7. Do you find the San Mateo County Fire Department's communication methods informative? Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Question Title * 8. Feedback: Please let us know how we can improve! Email your comments to Question Title * 9. When did you interact with San Mateo County Fire Department personnel? On an Incident, in public, other (please specify). Done