Question Title

* 1. District Festival

Question Title

* 2. Adjudicator Name

Question Title

* 3. Did you receive a finalized program (printed or electronic) from the District Festival at least 3 weeks prior to your arrival?

Question Title

* 4. Please rate the following:

  Excellent Good Satisfactory Needs Improvement N/A
Correspondence from the Provincial Office (contract, report form, etc)
Correspondence from the District Festival (welcome letter, schedule, etc)
Briefing before festival re: regulations & policies, scholarships, etc.
Facilities (venue & piano)
Programming of sessions
Attitude of Festival personnel
Scholarship meeting preparedness
General/Overall Organization of event

Question Title

* 5. Would you consider adjudicating at this festival again in the future?

Question Title

* 6. Other Comments

Question Title

* 7. I give permission to the SMFA to share the content of the evaluation with the District Festival.

Please share any additional concerns with the Adjudicator Liaison, Mariel Unger -
Box 37005  ●  Regina, SK   S4S 7K3
Phone: 306-757-1722  ●  Fax: 306-347-7789