Tack Application 2016-2017

Applications are due by Sunday, May 8 at 5:00PM. Fill out all information below and submit. You also MUST sign up for an interview time by Sunday, May 8. Interviews will be held Wednesday and Thursday, May 11th and 12th and will be 15 minutes long. The interview schedule can be found at this link (copy and paste it into your web browser): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1B3IXI20wmrNBIao0c1WL7Fooa-i8uSO9fNS8jSINxSY/edit?usp=sharing
Sign up for one time. Interviews will take place in Lage 30.

Available Tack Positions 2016-2017:

1. Section Editors
Section editors are responsible for the oversight of a section of the news website. For content sections this includes but is not limited to brainstorming ideas, assigning, editing and writing stories (both text and multimedia) and provide visual support under deadline. Developed writing, editing, storytelling, and communication skills are important and multimedia and social media skills or interests are a plus. We will teach the multimedia skills during editor training.

Available sections:
· News
· Arts + Life
· Blogs
· Sports
· Opinion

2. Assistant Section Editors
Section assistants share responsibilities with the section editors. We would accept applications for assistants for all positions listed above.

3. Multimedia Team
This team will be a storytelling guru using audio, video and other media themselves, as well as assisting other section editors by guiding and partnering. The team will also be in charge of overseeing all of the visual aspects of The Tack ONLINE, including photos, graphics, data visualization, newsletter design, etc.

Available positions:
· Lead Photographer
· Assistant Photographer
· Sports Photographer
· Graphics & Design Lead
· Graphics & Design Assistant

4. Social Media Manager
The social media manager is responsible for the growth and management of The Tack’s online community, including interaction, strategy and measurement.

5. Marketing & Advertising Director
Responsible for the branding and marketing efforts for the organization, as well as for all ad sales for the site, including account management and billing.

6. Copy Editor
These are our editing police.  These editors read stories and edit them closely for both errors and style.  Excellent writing, grammar and editing skills are important.

If you have any questions regarding any position or any part of the application process, contact the 2016-17 co-editors in chief of The Tack ONLINE, Dee Friesen or Lindsey Graham, or faculty advisor, Jamii Claiborne.

Question Title

* 1. Please type your name.

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* 2. What year will you be at BVU next year?

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* 3. What is your major?

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* 4. Please list other time commitments outside of classes you will have next year, including on and off campus involvement/employment:

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* 5. Do you plan to be on campus both semesters next year? If not, please explain.

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* 6. Why are you interested in being part of the leadership team of The Tack ONLINE?

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* 7. What position are you applying for? (Please see the list of available positions with descriptions above.) If you are interested in more than one position, rank your preferences:

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* 8. Describe what skills, experience or ideas for innovation would you bring to this position and to The Tack ONLINE in general?

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* 9. Why should we hire you?