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* 1. The current cash value for fruits and vegetables is now a permanent part of the WIC food package. Tell us what this means to you and your family.

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* 2. Aside from receiving the WIC food package, please let us know how you have benefitted from being on the WIC Program.

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* 3. WIC services, such as certifications, nutrition education, breastfeeding support, and others, are currently offered remote/online/virtual as a choice for WIC families.
-Tell us what remote services you use, and if they help you to actively participate in the WIC Program.
-Would you want remote services to be made a permanent option and why?

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* 4. Do we have permission to use your comments? This may be used by the National WIC Association and the WIC Association of NYS to advocate for the WIC Program.

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* 5. Do we have permission to use your name with your comments?

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* 6. Please provide the following so we can contact you for further information if necessary (your name will not be used if you said "NO" to question 4).