Farewell, and please share your thoughts about NIS Question Title * 1. Your Name (Optional) Question Title * 2. What division(s) was your child (or children) enrolled in at NIS? ELC Elementary (1-5) Middle School (6-8) High School (9-12) Question Title * 3. Please rate your family's general, overall transition to NIS from wherever your family came from (extremely difficult to very smooth). Extremely Difficult Somewhat Difficult About what we expected OK Very Smooth Question Title * 4. Is there anything that we could have done to better serve your child or your family? Question Title * 5. What were some of the highlights of his/her (or their) time here at NIS? Question Title * 6. Is there anyone or anything in particular (i.e. teacher, staff person, classmate, coach, event, activity, etc.) that you feel had an impact on your child’s learning or emotional/social well-being? Question Title * 7. What will you or your student remember the most about NIS? Question Title * 8. As a parent, what will you miss about NIS and why? Question Title * 9. Do you have any other comments or thoughts you wish to share? Question Title * 10. Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts. If you wish to remain anonymous, you do not need to give us this information below. But we hope that all leaving families will let us know a contact address to send Connections magazines and to keep in touch. Your child will now be considered an "NIS Alumni" and will join a growing list of over 4,000 students across the world and spanning 50 years who have called NIS their school at some point or another. Please let us know your future contact information below: Name: Address 1: Address 2: City/Town: State/Province: ZIP/Postal Code: Country: Email Address: Question Title * 11. May we share some of your comments with our Parent Partners and online to help other parents learn more about NIS? (use of a family photo would be appreciated!) Yes, and we will send a family photo that you can use as well! Yes, but sorry, we do not wish to submit a family photo No, we do not want our comments shared with anyone but the school Next