Introduction and Instructions


The Worship Commission invites you to prayerfully reflect on the following questions and offer your feedback. Your wisdom and insight are valuable to us as we continue to work at creating Sunday morning worship gatherings that empower us as a church to be a Christ centred movement where people are being transformed by God’s Spirit, growing in love and wisdom, and energizing others to follow the way of Jesus.

Some Guidelines and Suggestions:

1. We encourage you to reflect on the whole Sunday morning experience as you fill out your survey. From parking your vehicle, walking in the front door, being greeted, grabbing a cup of coffee, listening to prelude, singing together, prayer, children’s engagement, sermon, sharing time, children’s and adult CE time, fellowship after…the entire morning experience.

2. We would like you to think about how the worship gatherings are impacting the entire Avon community and beyond, not only your experience or your family’s experience.

3. We invite you to be encouraging and constructive with your feedback. The greeters, ushers, coffeemakers, musicians, singers, AV techs, worship planners, children engagement planners, chair arrangers, CE co-ordinators, teachers, Sonshiner and nursery volunteers, Scripture readers…all of these people are volunteers who freely give of their time and energy to help create a gathering for you and your loved ones to encounter God, grow spiritually and connect with one another. We want and need your honest feedback but ask that any critiques or suggestions be prayerfully rooted in love and grace. 

4. We ask you to focus your evaluation of Avon worship in light of our purpose as a church. 

      Our purpose is to be a Christ centred movement where people are being transformed by God’s Spirit,
      growing in love and wisdom, and energizing others to follow the way of Jesus.

We want to know how Avon worship is helping or hindering us in fulfilling this purpose, not merely how our worship gatherings can serve individual personal preferences. So please keep this in mind as you fill out this survey.

What will be done with your feedback? 

The feedback will be processed and collated by the Worship Commission. In June the worship commission and others who lead various ministries / programs vital to Sunday morning gatherings (music leaders, staff, hospitality co-ordinator, etc.) will meet for a retreat to prayerfully reflect on and discuss the feedback. We will then proceed to make adjustments and improvements as we plan for Avon worship in September.  Any changes will be implemented to our Sunday morning worship gatherings in the Fall of 2017.