Security cameras in the dental office (staff) Question Title * 1. What is your position in the dental practice? Dental hygienist Dental assistant Front office staff Other OK Question Title * 2. Does your dental practice have security cameras? (If you answered no but would like to comment, please skip to #9.) Yes No OK Question Title * 3. If your office has cameras, when were the cameras installed? Within 1-5 years Within 6-10 years 10 years ago or longer OK Question Title * 4. How many cameras were installed? 1-3 4-6 More than 6 cameras OK Question Title * 5. In which parts of the office were they installed? Check all that apply. Front office Back office Hallways Around the exterior of the office Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 6. Why did the boss tell you he or she installed cameras? Check all that apply. Wants to monitor team members. Wants to monitor patients' activities. Noticed out-of-the-ordinary occurrences around the office. Received complaints from patients about staff. Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 7. How do you feel about the cameras? I do not care for the cameras. I feel like my privacy has been invaded. I like the cameras. I have no opinion about the cameras. OK Question Title * 8. What has been the reaction from patients? They like them. They've complained about them. They don't have opinions about the cameras. OK Question Title * 9. Would you care to share any thoughts about security cameras? Yes No If yes, please share here. OK DONE