Title I Decision Making Opportunity for FY23 Title I Program

Thank you in advance for participating in this decision making opportunity.

*Required questions are marked with an asterisk.
1.Enter the name of the school at which your child is enrolled.(Required.)
2.Student's Grade Level(Required.)
3.Please check the box that BEST applies to each statement. Only check ONE box per statement.(Required.)
To Some Degree
The school or teacher keeps me well informed about what my child is learning at school.
My child's teacher encourages him/her in all areas.
I am pleased with the instructional program at my child's school.
My child feels safe at school.
Parent input is considered when important school decisions are made.
School rules are communicated to parents.
I know how to contact my child's teachers.
I know how to contact my child's principal.
The school provides information about monitoring my child's academic progress.
The school encourages me as a parent to be involved in my child's education.
Information (flyers, newsletters, website, etc.) received from my child's school is easy to understand.
I am satisfied with the school's response to my request for specific activities, meetings, or materials.
4.The following is an effective way to get important information to me (Please mark all that apply).(Required.)
Social Media
Automated Phone Calls
Paper Newsletters/Flyers
5.Indicate your interest in receiving information or attending a workshop on one or more of the topics below. Please indicate our preferred means of communication.(Required.)
Receive information
Participate in an in-person workshop
Attend a virtual workshop
View a video
Not interested
Helping with homework
Improving my child's reading skills
Understanding state academic standards
Test Preparation
Effective parenting skills for academic success
Coordinating/implementing parent programs
Please see your child's school website to review the information/documents as needed.
You may also contact the school to receive a print copy of the document(s).
6.Parent Engagement Plan(Required.)
7.School Compact(Required.)
8.Parent and Family Engagement Expenditures (Examples of items that may be supported with Title I funds are: tutors, school supplies, Title I teacher, instructional software, transportation, and parent resource rooms, etc.).(Required.)
9.What topics do you feel our staff need to be trained on to better support families? Please include your suggestions in the comment box below.
10.I am a (choose all that apply)(Required.)
11.Questions or Comments:
13.Please provide the contact information of your choice if you would like a
response to the above question.
Thank you for your time!
Current Progress,
0 of 13 answered