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* 2. Do you love yourself?

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* 3. Can you comfortable look yourself in the mirror?

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* 4. Are you satisfied with yourself?

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* 5. Do you have to look or dress a certain way to be accepted?

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* 6. Are you where you want to be in life?

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* 7. What do you feel is holding you back?

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* 8. Do you feel like it's too late to make a change in your life?

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* 9. What challenges are you facing?

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* 10. Name one thing you love about yourself?

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* 11. Name one thing you dislike about yourself?

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* 12. Are you being abused in any way?

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* 13. Have you ever thought about or attempted suicide?

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* 14. Have you ever been to counseling?

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* 15. Dou you journal?

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* 16. Do you exercise/workout?

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* 17. Do you believe in God? (higher Power)

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* 18. Do you pray or attend church?

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* 19. Do you have a primary care physician?

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* 20. Have you had a physical/dental cleaning within the last year?

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* 22. Do you drink alcohol?

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* 23. Do you use drugs that are not prescribed to you?

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* 24. Do you think you have a drug or alcohol dependency? 

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* 25. Are you sexually active?

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* 26. Are you a virgin?

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* 27. Do you practice safe sex?

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* 31. Have you ever had a STD?

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* 32. Can you discuss STDs/HIV with your partner?

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* 33. Have you ever had sex for money or drugs?

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* 34. Do you believe alcohol/drugs impairs your ability to practice safe sex?

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* 35. If you wanted to stop using drugs or alcohol could you do so?

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* 36. Have you ever been arrested while using drugs/alcohol?

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* 39. Do you hide using from others?

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* 40. Do you need help managing your alcohol or drug use?

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* 44. Did you parents discuss the effects of sex, drugs, alcohol with you?

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* 46. Have you ever been physically or sexually assaulted?

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* 47. Did you report the assault? If so to whom..

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* 48. Do you have a support team/system?

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* 49. Have you ever stayed in an unhealthy relationship?

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* 50. Have you ever abused/caused harm to your partner?

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* 51. Did you witness violence in your home as a child?

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* 52. Did you witness drug activity or alcohol abuse in your home as a child?

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* 53. Who raised you?/Who did you grow up living with?

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* 54. Who did you go to for advice?

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* 55. How were you disciplined as a child?

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* 56. Did you feel loved growing up?

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* 57. How was love shown/displayed?

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* 58. Are you in a gang or affiliated?

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* 59. Have you ever been arrested?

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* 60. Are you on probation or parole?

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* 63. In jail did you complete any trainings or programs that were beneficial?

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* 64. Would you consider yourself a role model?

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* 65. Was education a priority/requirement in your home?

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* 66. Do you enjoy reading?

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* 67. Did you graduate high school or obtain a GED?

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* 68. Did your parent/s graduate high school?

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* 69. Have you been to college?

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* 70. Did your parent/s attend college?

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* 71. Has anyone in your household graduated college?

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* 73. What is your source of income?

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* 76. Are you treated fairly at work?

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* 77. What is preventing you from obtaining employment?

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* 78. Do you believe you have to cheat the system to get ahead?

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* 79. Do you know someone who is more successful hustling than working?

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* 80. Do you work hard but do not see much progress?

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* 82. Do you feel safe in your community/Environment?

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* 83. Would you help someone being physically assaulted?

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* 84. How would you help?

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* 85. Do you feel like you need a relationship/partner to be supported or protected?

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* 87. Have you ever been shot, stabbed, or robbed? 

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* 88. Do you trust law enforcement in your community?

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* 89. Have you ever experienced or witnessed police brutality?

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* 90. Have you ever been charged with a crime that you did not commit?

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* 91. Have you been harassed/mistreated by the police in your community?

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* 92. Who or where do you go for support in your community?

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* 93. Have you been prejudged or criticized by DTA, DCF, Housing Workers, or Medical Staff?

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* 95. Do you believe your vote makes a difference?

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* 96. Do you participate in community events?

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* 97. Are children safe in your community?

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* 98. Are there safe parks and recreational centers in your community?

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* 99. Have you ever traveled outside of your state?

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* 100. Would you like to relocate?

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