Question Title

* 1. How do you typically get to places you travel to regularly within the borough of Ringwood?

Question Title

* 2. Of all the ways you get around, which one do you use the most often?

Question Title

* 3. Do you currently use any of the trails in Ringwood for getting around or recreation (check all that apply)?

Question Title

* 4. If you answered yes to question 3, please let us know more about where you are going when taking trails in Ringwood.

Question Title

* 5. Where would you like to go within Ringwood if you could get there via walking trails or bike paths (check all that apply)?

Question Title

* 6. I would like to walk for errands, shopping, and other activities within Ringwood more than I do now.

Question Title

* 7. I would like to travel by bike for my errands, shopping, and other activities within Ringwood more than I do now.

Question Title

* 8. Did you or anyone in your household walk to a destination or for recreation for more than a ¼-mile within Ringwood in the last 6 months? (select all that apply)

Question Title

* 9. Did you or did anyone in your household ride a bicycle to a destination or for recreation for more than ½ miles within Ringwood in the last 6 months? (select all that apply)

Question Title

* 10. When weather permits, how often do you typically ride a bicycle

  2-3 times a week At least once a week Once a month Once every 2-3 months Never
To work/school
To shop/dine out/run errands
Visit people
Recreation or exercise

Question Title

* 11. In the past 30 days, how often did you walk

  2-3 times a week At least once a week 2-3 times a month Never
To work/school
To shop/dine out/run errands
Visit people
For recreation or exercise

Question Title

* 12. In the past 30 days, how often did you ride a bicycle

  2-3 times a week At least once a week 2-3 times a month Never
To work/school
To shop/dine out/run errands
Visit people
For recreation or exercise

Question Title

* 13. Below are descriptions and images of types of infrastructure. Regardless of how you usually get around, for each please indicate how comfortable you personally would feel walking there.

  Very comfortable Somewhat comfortable Not Sure Somewhat Uncomfortable Very uncomfortable
Shared Use Path Shared-use, separated path
Shoulder Roadway with a shoulder
Sidewalk Separated walking path or sidewalk
No sidewalk Small residential street with no shoulder or sidewalk

Question Title

* 14. Below are descriptions and images of types of infrastructure. Regardless of how you usually get around, for each please indicate how comfortable you personally would feel riding a bike there.

  Very comfortable Somewhat comfortable Not Sure Somewhat Uncomfortable Very uncomfortable
No sidewalk Small residential street with no shoulder or sidewalk
Standard bike laneStandard bike lane with no buffer
Shared Use Path Shared-use, separated path
Buffered bike lane Buffered bike lane
SharrowRoad with a shared lane marking, no dedicated bike lane
Shoulder Roadway with a shoulder,  no dedicated bike lane

Question Title

* 15. My community would be a better place to live if more people walked to get places.

Question Title

* 16. My community would be a better place to live if more people rode bicycles to get places.

Question Title

* 17. Improvements to make it easier and safer to walk in Ringwood would help someone like me.

Question Title

* 18. Improvements to make it easier and safer to ride a bicycle in Ringwood would help someone like me.

Question Title

* 19. I would shop and/or dine more in Ringwood if it were convenient and safe to walk or ride a bicycle to local businesses.

Question Title

* 20. Please rank in priority the following road elements (1 – highest priority, 6 - lowest priority).

Question Title

* 21. Regardless of how you personally get around, what would you say are the biggest challenges for people walking to get around in Ringwood (select all that apply)?

Question Title

* 22. Regardless of how you personally get around, what would you say are the biggest challenges for people riding bicycles to get around in Ringwood (select all that apply)?

Question Title

* 23. Please indicate whether you agree or disagree with each of the following statements.

  Strongly Agree Somewhat agree Not sure Somewhat disagree Strongly disagree
I would drive less if walking was safer in Ringwood.
I would drive less if biking was safer in Ringwood.
Many of the places I need to get to regularly are within biking or walking distance of my home.
I wish it was easy for me to walk to get to most places from my home.
I wish it was easy for me to ride a bicycle to get to most places from my home.
I would let my children walk more if walking was safer in Ringwood.
I would let my children ride a bicycle more if biking was safer in Ringwood.

Question Title

* 24. Please rate your level of concern with each of the following as you think about whether you should walk to get around Ringwood.

  Major concern Minor concern
Dealing with aggressive drivers
Getting hit by a car
The distance I have to travel
The amount of time I have to get where I am going
Carrying things with me to/from my destination
Transporting other people

Question Title

* 25. Please rate your level of concern with each of the following as you think about whether you should ride a bicycle to get around Ringwood.

  Major concern Minor concern
Dealing with aggressive drivers
Getting hit by a car
Having a secure place to lock my bike at the places I go regularly
The distance I have to travel
Knowing a safe bike route to get where I am going
The amount of time I have to get where I am going
Carrying things with me to/from my destination
Transporting other people
Being sweaty when I arrive to my destination
Having a secure place to park my bike at my destination

Question Title

* 26. Please rate your level of concern with each of the following as you think about whether children should walk to get around Ringwood.

  Major concern Minor concern
Dealing with aggressive drivers
Getting hit by a car
The distance they have to travel
The amount of time they have to get where they are going
Carrying things to/from their destination
Safe space on the roadway

Question Title

* 27. Please rate your level of concern with each of the following as you think about whether children should ride a bicycle to get around Ringwood.

  Major concern Minor concern
Dealing with aggressive drivers
Getting hit by a car
Having a secure place to lock their bike at the places they go regularly
The distance they have to travel
Knowing a safe bike route to get where they are going
The amount of time they have to get where they are going
Carrying things with to/from their destination
Safe space on the roadway

Question Title

* 28. Is there anything else you would like to share about your experience walking or biking in Ringwood? Please use this space to tell us more about issues or concerns you have that may not have been captured in the previous questions.

Tell us a little about yourself. This section is optional and all submissions are anonymous.

Question Title

* 29. Please indicate your gender expression:

Question Title

* 30. Please indicate your age range.

Question Title

* 31. Do you have any children in your household?

Question Title

* 32. What is your current employment status?

Question Title

* 33. How many years have you lived in Ringwood?

Question Title

* 34. What neighborhood of Ringwood do you live in?