Sustainable buildings outperform their conventional competitors in all relevant areas - environmentally, socially and financially. Increased communication by real estate agents to potential buyer/sellers about sustainability features is likely to improve the price and time to sell.

This scorecard compliments the PRDnationwide 'Your Green Guide - Residential Real Estate 2018' found online at You can use this scorecard for the following types of stand-alone residential properties: house, townhouse or villa. By completing this scorecard you will receive a green house sustainability rating.

The questions in this scorecard are based on the top 3 sustainability features in each of the following categories:
  • Spatial planning - considers the function and layout of the space that will be used
  • Occupant health and safety - considers the health and safety of occupants
  • Occupant comfort - considers how comfortable occupants are
  • Operation and services - considers the costs to be incurred by occupants
  • Building durability - considers expected lifespan of the house, component structures, and flexibility

Question Title

* 1. Is the site located away from threats of landslide, soil slip and flooding?

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* 2. Is the site block rectangular and allows for the most efficient land use?

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* 3. Is there space within the yard for social activity? (For example; vegetation/garden, or an outdoor area for children).

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* 4. Is the residence designed by architects and/or developers?

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* 5. Is there an ideal ratio between the number of bedrooms and bathrooms?  (For example:  in a 3 bedroom home it would be more comfortable with 2 bathrooms instead of 1)

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* 6. If the residence has 2 levels, is there a bathroom (or toilet) on the lower level?

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* 7. Does the residence have an open floor plan that allows for multiple uses and can be easily adapted for lifestyle changes?

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* 8. Does each room fit a suitable need? (For example; is a room called a bedroom when in reality it is a small space where even a single bed cannot fit?)

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* 9. Is the property/land usage permitted by the local city council?  (For example; a medium sized house in a medium residential density zoning would be a yes.)

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* 10. Does each room have regulated heights? (For example: does the ceiling height make you feel boxed in?)

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* 11. Is there adequate boundary setbacks for the property? (For example: is there adequate fencing around the property and clear boundaries between neighbours?)

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* 12. Is there adjoining or direct entries/exits from internal rooms to the yard or outside?

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* 13. Is there a hardwired photoelectric type smoke alarm installed?

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* 14. Does the house have recorded pest control measures?

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* 15. Does the house have a termite barrier?

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* 16. Does the house have roof insulation?

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* 17. Does the house have ceiling insulation?

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* 18. Does the house have wall insulation?

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* 19. Does the house have floor insulation?

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* 20. Does the house have cross ventilation (i.e., allowing cooler/warmer outdoor air to freely move through the house to promote natural cooling/heating)?

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* 21. Is the house water services connected to the main supply? (Water supply is reliant upon a paid supplier)

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* 22. Is there a grey water system connected to the property's water supply?

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* 23. Does the property have a rain water collection system and/or water tanks connected?

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* 24. Does the house have water efficient tap fittings?

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* 25. Are there low flush toilet systems installed?

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* 26. Is the house connected to reliable communication/data services (NBN, WiFi etc.)?

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* 27. Are all IT hardware connected and wired correctly? (Telephone and aerial sockets etc.)

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* 28. Is the house connected to the mains electricity network?

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* 29. Does the house have solar panels installed?

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* 30. Is the property fitted with energy efficient appliances?

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* 31. Is the property fitted with energy efficient lights?

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* 32. Are the doorways to bathrooms/toilets at least 820mm wide to reduce the chance of injury?

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* 33. Is it easy to install items that will assist those with less mobility without causing major structural change?  (For example; grab rails, hobless shower)

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* 34. Are the building materials non-toxic? (Building materials that can be reused without being harmful to people or the environment)

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* 35. Are the main building materials used in the bathroom/s and kitchen quality materials with a long lifespan?

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* 36. Can the main features in the kitchen and bathroom/s be easily renovated?  (For example; can cabinets/cupboards be easily removed or are they built in and will cause damage to the walls when removed?)

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* 37. Has the kitchen and or bathroom/s been updated within the last 10 years?

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