Unleashing the Strategic Leader:
The Move from Operational Manager to Strategic
and Innovative Leader
April 18-19, 2024

Public Seminar Registration

Thank you for attending Guthrie-Jensen's Public Seminar. In preparation for your program completion, please fill out this short form.
1.What is the complete name of your COMPANY?(Required.)
2.Your Complete Name: How do you want it reflected on your certificate?(Required.)
3.Your position (please spell out)(Required.)
4.Please confirm your email:
5.My LEVEL is best described as(Required.)
6.My Department (please choose the best answer)(Required.)
7.My age group:(Required.)
8.Name of Immediate Supervisor(Required.)
9.Position of Immediate Supervisor/Manager(Required.)
10.Email of Immediate Supervisor/Manager
11.Who asked you to attend this program?(Required.)
12.How long have you been working in your organization?(Required.)
13.This is to certify my attendance and participation in this program!(Required.)