Exit Coronavirus Leadership Check-In Question Title * 1. How worried are you about the impact of coronavirus on you personally? Extremely worried Very worried Somewhat worried Not so worried Not at all worried Question Title * 2. How worried are you about the impact of coronavirus on your company? Extremely worried Very worried Somewhat worried Not so worried Not at all worried Question Title * 3. Approximately when were you able to open at least partially for business? April May June July Question Title * 4. As the business owner or general manager, what are the biggest challenges you are currently facing? Getting access to capital to reopen Setting business hours that are reasonable (e.g., revenue producing and convenient) I’m sick or helping others who are sick General anxiety about the impact of coronavirus on my life Internet connectivity Preparing my establishment to be safe (within state/federal guidelines) for opening Childcare for you Getting enough food Communication with coworkers is harder Childcare for your employees Getting my employees to return Other (please specify) Question Title * 5. Thinking about your current arrangements, how long is this something you could comfortably maintain? It’s not sustainable now One week A few weeks About a month Three months Three months to a year Indefinite (your current revenue streams and expenses are in alignment for continued operations) Question Title * 6. How often would you like the state/local leadership teams to communicate how your company will handle business complications due to coronavirus? Every day A few times a week Once a week Once a month Less often than that Question Title * 7. How often would you like the federal coronavirus leadership teams to communicate information regarding coronavirus? Every day A few times a week Once a week Once a month Less often than that Question Title * 8. Rate Effectiveness Respons to the Crisis (1 - Lowest to 5 - Highest) Federal response to the health issues (e.g., CDC, FDA, NIH, state coordination) Federal response to the economic issues (e.g., CARES bill, PPP, unemployment) State response to the health issues (Lockdowns, governor's executive orders...) State response to the economic issues (Unemployment implementation, other state programs) Local response to health issues (local mask laws, capacity limitations...) Local response to economic issues (if at all) Question Title * 9. Where is your primary place of business located Rural area Small Town (< 10,000 residents) Medium Town (10,000 - 100,000 residents) Large Town (100,000 - 300,000 residents) Small city Major City Question Title * 10. Give a full answer: Do you expect your business to survive this crisis.. Why or Why Not? And, do you expected it to change your business model/process and if so how? Done