Exit Warrior Community Connect Question Title * 1. Are you interested in attending a Warrior Community Connect Couples retreat? Yes No Maybe Depends Question Title * 2. Are you available to attend May 17-19th, 2024 in Chincoteague, Virginia? Yes No the dates do not work for me but I would like to attend if the dates change No Question Title * 3. Participation in three, one-hour, virtual groups prior to the retreat is required. What time/ day would you be available to attend? Question Title * 4. Are you willing to read separately from your partner, "The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work" by John Gottman before the May retreat date? Book will be provided by WCC and mailed to your home. Yes No I will try but I might not be able to complete it in time One partner is willing but one partner is not willing to read. Question Title * 5. Completing an online relationship assessment before the retreat is required. Are you willing to complete this? WCC will cover cost of the assessment. Yes No Question Title * 6. What are the separate email addresses for both members of the couple? (this is the email address the assessment will be sent to for each person). Question Title * 7. What are the first and last names of both partners in the couple? Done