Discovery Session with Dee Scown - Speaking Question Title * 1. Approximate time frame of your event Within the next week Within the next month 1-3 months 3-6 months 6-12 months Over 12 months Question Title * 2. How many people are you expecting to attend? 1-6 6-12 12-50 50-150 150-500 500 or more Question Title * 3. What is the general topic of your event? (Choose all that apply) Business Mindset Lifestyle Motivation Sales Other (please specify) Question Title * 4. What typical demographic are your attendees? (Choose all that apply) Women only Men only Women and Men Parents Business Owners Retirees Franchisees Other (please specify) Question Title * 5. Have you decided on a budget for your speaker? Yes No Please specify Question Title * 6. Is this the first time you are holding this particular event? Yes No Question Title * 7. Contact Information Name Company Address City/Town State/Province ZIP/Postal Code Country Email Address Phone Number Question Title * 8. Thank you for your time to complete this form.A team member will contact you very soon to arrange a time to meet up with Dee.You may leave any additional comments in the text box below.then click on the 'Done' button to send your request. Done