Question Title

* 2. What grade are you in?

Question Title

* 3. How many years have you been at your current school?

Question Title

* 4. At the beginning of the school year, how would you have ranked your technology skills?

Question Title

* 5. How do you rank your technology skills now?

Question Title

* 6. How often do you use an iPad or computer in the classroom to:

  Never Some of the time Most of the time
Find information on the internet
Conduct research
Create a product (imovies, Discovery Ed Boards)
Make presentations (Keynote, Prezi, PowerPoint)
Play digital educational game
Work with graphs
Take online quizzes or tests
Use Tech Books like Discovery Ed
Take notes (Evernote, Word, Pages)
Write papers
Participate in online discussions (Discussion boards and blogs)
Use social media for educational purposes (Twitter,
Use a management system to learn (Weebly, Schoology, Edu2.0, LiveBinder)

Question Title

* 7. In your classroom, how often do you sit in:

  Never Some of the time Most of the time
Individual seating

Question Title

* 8. I believe my iPad or computer helps me learn.

Question Title

* 9. I believe my teacher uses my iPad or computer to help me learn the things I need to know.

Question Title

* 10. I use my iPad or computer to learn with other students in the class.

Question Title

* 11. How would you rank your teacher's ability to use technology in your classroom?