Killarney Golf and Accomodation at CastleRosse

Captains day for the golf society is in Killarney Golf and Fishing club on Saturday 2nd of September 2023. Tee times start from 12:30pm. The event is on the Mahony's point course.

A number of people are going up the day before and playing the highly regarded Kileen course and a number of tee times are booked on Friday starting 3pm. There was interest expressed in staying over on the Friday night too. Friday will be a separate event and is not counting for the Golfer of the year purposes.

Some twin-bed rooms for two people sharing have been booked for the CastleRosse hotel in Killarney (beside the course)

I'm trying to gauge interest in who wants to play Friday from 3pm. Saturday from 12:30pm. And who wants accomodation.
1.Are you willing and able to play on Friday 1st Sept 2023 from 3pm on the Kileen course (rate is €65 - you'd pay this to the course yourself)
2.Are you willing and able to play the main event on Saturday 2nd Sept 2023 from 12:30pm on the Mahony's Point course for the Captain's day and the final regular outing of the 2023 boards society (rate is expected to be €50 payable on clubnet)
3.Will you be needing accommodation? We have some twin rooms booked the rate of which is €167.50pps for 2 Nights Bed & Breakfast.
4.Boards name & Real name. Name is required if you wish to avail of accomodation.