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Survey of familes of those with special edcational needs and disabilities in Somerset.

Somerset families have been affected by the failures of Somerset County Council and Somerset CCG as identified in the OFSTED and CQC local area inspection report. The report in may highlighted.

Leaders from education, health and care services have been distracted by their individual challenges. This means there has been little effort to work together to implement the reforms until very recently. Consequently, there are widespread weaknesses in the identification and meeting of children’s and young people’s needs. Their outcomes, and those of their families, are not being consistently improved.”
Click here to read the report

Thank you for taking an interest in our Somerset SEND Experiences survey.

We want to improve the way our children, young people and adults with Special Education Needs, Disabilities in Somerset.

We want to collate your experiences and deliver a report to be used in co-production with Somerset families, NHS sectors, local and national authorities.

Your experiences will be anonymised by grouping data fields and experiences to identify variations and needs of Somerset SEND Experiences 2020.

We securely store this data for 24 - 62 months, maximum. We plan to review the data from 2020 and compare Somerset SEND experiences in 18 - 24 months to compare Somerset improvements.

We respect your trust and protect your privacy, and therefore will never sell or share this data. We will only share the final report.

By filling out this survey you agree that we will process your data inline with our privacy policy - GDPR click here.
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Some areas may be:
  • Education: education physiologist, total communication, SPOT, PIMS, SENATAS, CAOT, equipment, vision support, hearing support, dyslexia, resource  centres, language and communication team, EHCP, Annual reviews, EHA, school counselling service, youth offending services.
  • Social care: children, adults, transition, leaving care, post adoptive services, special guardian support, foster care, carers, short breaks, Somerset supporters, respite, equipment, young carer, playgroups, day groups, mentors, counsellors, mum and baby units, residential, direct payments, safeguarding.
  • NHS: including dental, GP, GP health checks, prescriptions,  dieticians, hospital, out of county, school nurses, specialist nurses, health visitors, integrated services, Somerset partnership services, outreach, mental health, equipment, eye or hearing services, ie autism, Occupational therapy, physio, Speech and language, mental health residential, eating services, mental health nurse. CAHMS
  • Transport: school, hospital, community, bus pass, blue badge, rail, bus, other, transport buddy.
  • Housing: accommodation, homelessness, tenancy accreditation, private social care, supported living, leaving care, purchasing own home, suitable housing.
  • Other: organisations, charities, volunteers, micro enterprise, advocates, organisations, changing places, assistive technology, Emergancy telephone lines, housing adaptations, direct payment and recruitment handling.

Question Title

* 1. Are you?.... Tick all boxes that apply.

Question Title

* 2. Which district do you live in?

Question Title

* 3. How old is the person with special education need, disability, or additional need?

Question Title

* 4. Please tell us your overall experience of accessing assessments or referrals?

  Very dissatisfied Dissatisfied Neither satisfied or unsatisfied Satisfied  Very satisfied N/A
Social Care

Question Title

* 5. Please tell us about your overall experience of accessing services and provisions to meet the needs or outcomes?

  Very dissatisfied Dissatisfied Neither satisfied or unsatisfied Satisfied Very satisfied N/A
Social Care

Question Title

* 6. What is your overall experience in accessing services for preparaton for adulthood? (Ages 14-25 years and over 25 years)

  Very dissatisfied Dissatisfied Neither satisfied or unsatisfied Satisfied Very satisfied N/A
Employment or training
Social Care
Independent living support

Question Title

* 7. Have you been offered any funding towards items or services to help, such as personal budgets or health budgets?

  Yes No  Unsure
Social Care

Question Title

* 8. Have you tried to resolve disatisfaction with local services by using any of the following mechanism and what was the outcome?

  Complaint upheld, things improved Complaint upheld, things didn't improve Complaint not upheld things improved Complaint not upheld, things didn't improve N/A
Local Authority complaints procedure
Local NHS Complaint
Local Government Ombudsman
Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman
SENDIST Tribunal
Judicial Review

Question Title

* 9. What is your overall view about local services around special educational needs and disabilities, following the OFSTED CQC inspection report?

Question Title

* 10. What would you like to see happen next to address any concerns that you have following the OFSTED CQC local area inspection report?

0 of 10 answered