Question Title

* 1. Did you attend the 2018 Sustainable Transportation Summit?

Question Title

* 2. Did you attend the 2017 Sustainable Transportation Summit?

Question Title

* 3. Please rank which of the following most impacted your decision to attend the event:
1= high impact - 5= no impact

Question Title

* 4. How beneficial were the following for you?

  Very Useful Good Topic - Sorry I missed it Topic Useful - Presentation was not what I was looking for Not Useful N/A
Morning Networking Time
Planning Today for Tomorrow: The Reality of Autonomous Vehicles
BRT & Economic Development: A Catalyst for Growth
TNCs and Public Transit: Harmony or Competition?
Denver’s New Multi-Modal Frontier
Connecting Communities: The Rise of Bike Share
Denver’s New Multi-Modal Frontier
Discover Longmont: Mobile Tour

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* 5. What did you think of the length of the event (7:15 am -11:30 pm)?

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* 6. How well did the price match your expectations?

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* 7. Please rank the following aspects of the Summit:

  Great Adequate Less than adequate N/A
Hospitality of the venue staff
Breakfast options
Morning break food options
Mobile Tour lunch options
Exhibit hall

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* 8. What topics are of interest to you for future events?

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* 9. In the future, what session style(s) would you like to see?

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* 10. What time of year would you prefer next year's summit event take place?

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* 11. Which best describes who you are or which industry/sector you represent?

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* 12. Please share any other thoughts you have that will help us plan next year's Sustainable Transportation Summit and our other Signature Events.