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Essay Application

Houston Money Week 2025 Essay Contest:

Write an essay in 500 words or less in response to the prompt below.

***Submission Deadline: The deadline is April 30th, 2025
Essay Prompt 2025: How can financial technologies (FinTech) like online banking, budgeting tools, and investment apps help you with money management? Explain why it’s important to understand money basics in today’s world, and how it can help people make better choices and stay financially stable.

Did you know, according to Plaid, in 2021, fintech reached mass adoption in the U.S., with the percentage of consumers using technology to manage their finances jumping from 58% to 88%.

This essay is an opportunity to share your knowledge, beliefs, and personal experiences, as well as a chance to expand and display your financial literacy. Make sure to fully answer the prompt, be creative, and include and site any researched facts and statistics.

Question Title

* 1. Which contest are you entering?

Question Title

* 2. First Name

Question Title

* 3. Last Name

Question Title

* 4. Email address

Question Title

* 5. Phone Number

 To confirm that you are eligible for this contest we need to contact your school, teacher, or someone from your literacy program.  Do not leave these questions blank as doing so will cause your application to NOT be reviewed or considered.

Question Title

* 6. Which Program, institution, or school are you associated with?

Question Title

* 7. Program Contacts Phone Number

Question Title

* 8. Program, school, or organization contact email.

Essay Submission
By typing my name below I am attaching a digital signature stating: I vouch that the attached essay is fully and solely the work of myself or my child.  I give permission for him/her to participate in the activities of Houston Money Week 2024, including consent to release photos and personal information for media and promotional purposes.

Question Title

* 9. Contestant Signature

Question Title

* 10. Parental Signature (for contestant under 18)

Question Title

* 11. Submit your essay here!

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