Question Title

* 1. I am a...

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* 2. My grade in school is...

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* 3. Do you feel you know how to complete your schoolwork when you get home?

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* 4. Do you feel you can tell someone at school about a problem you are having at school? 

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* 5. Why or why do you not feel you can tell someone at school about a problem you are having at school?

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* 6. Do you feel you can tell adults at school about a problem you are having at school? 

Question Title

* 7. Why or why do you not feel you can tell adults at school about a problem you are having at school?

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* 8. Do you feel you can tell students at school about a problem you are having at school? 

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* 9. Why or why do you not feel you can tell students at school about a problem you are having at school? 

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* 10. In my school my principal wants every student to learn.

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* 11. In my school my teachers want every student to learn.

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* 12. In my school my teachers want me to do my best work.

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* 13. My teachers help me learn things I will need in the future.

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* 14. My teachers use different activities to help me learn.

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* 15. My teachers listen to me.

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* 16. I know what behavior is expected of me at school.

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* 17. My teachers help me when I need them.

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* 18. My school is safe and clean.

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* 19. My school wants children in our school to help each other even if we are not friends.

I agree
I do not agree

Question Title

* 20. My principal and teachers tell children when they do a good job.

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* 21. What do you like most about your school?

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* 22. What is one idea that would make your school a better place?