Welcome to Our Survey

The pandemic has exacerbated challenges already confronting our most vulnerable youth--social isolation, trauma, and the injustices of racism, inequity, and poverty. Thus, Youth Catalytics is launching The Foresight Initiative: an in-depth examination of how the child and youth services field is rising to meet this moment of extraordinary disruption and uncertainty. Starting today we are:
  • Reaching out to a broad representation of national leaders and practitioners with this short survey, to learn what adaptations to these challenges have worked well, what practices have lost relevancy, and what innovations are being planned.
  • Gathering input about the lived-experiences of young people so that this initiative is informed by their unique perspectives.
  • Conducting in-depth interviews and research resulting in a multifaceted point-in-time status report of the field that will inspire greater dialog, forward-thinking research, and collaborative solutions.
Thank you for participating in this bold new initiative and providing us with your feedback in this survey. Please note that your contact information will not be shared, rather we hope you will stay connected to us as we work together to advance the field.