4J Elementary School Climate

Bullying means doing things, on purpose, that hurt another student’s body or their feelings.  Bullying means that someone keeps doing it even after you ask them to Stop. Examples: Frequent teasing; rumor spreading; scaring someone on purpose, threats, or harm; using computers or cell phones (texting) to bully).

When is it Bullying?  When someone says or does something unintentionally hurtful and they do it once, it’s Rude.  Not Bullying.

When someone says or does something intentionally hurtful and they do it once, that’s Mean.  Not Bullying.

Teasing back and forth is NOT Bullying.  Bullying is one way.  When someone says or does something intentionally hurtful and they keep doing it, even when you tell them to stop or show you’re upset – or if they stop but do it again and again – THAT’S BULLYING!!

Harassment is when students are bullied because of the color of their skin, or because they are a boy or a girl; or because they have a disability.  Examples include calling someone a name because of the color of their skin, calling someone a “retard”; or saying “that’s so gay”.

All questions are asking about school.  This includes things that happen in school; on the way to school; and on the way home from school.

Question Title

* 1. School:

Question Title

* 2. Grade:

Question Title

* 3. Please check mark in the box that applies on the right

  Always Usually Not Usually Never
I feel safe at school
My classroom teacher treats me with respect
Other school adults treat me with respect
Students treat me with respect
When I ask someone to Stop, they Stop
When someone asks me to Stop, I Stop

Question Title

* 4. Place a check mark in the box that is most true

  Often (once a week or more) Sometimes (one or more times per month) Occasionally (one or more times this year) Never
I have seen other students being bullied during the current school year
I have been bullied during the current school year
I have bullied other students during the current school year

Question Title

* 5. Compared to the start of this year, is bullying happening more often, less often, or about the same?

Question Title

* 6. Place a check mark in the box that is most true

  Yes No
If I talked to staff members about being bullied, I think they would listen and do things that help me feel safer
Have you ever been bullied and decided not to tell a school adult about it?

Question Title

* 7. If you were bullied and decided not to tell an adult, what is the most important reason you decided not to tell?

Question Title

* 8. Who would you talk to if you were being bullied or harassed at school? (you may check as many boxes as you want)

Question Title

* 9. Has your class talked about ways to deal with bullying?

Question Title

* 10. How often does bullying happen in these places?

  Often (several times each week) Occasionally (about once or twice a month) Not Often (less than once a month) Never
Hallways or Breezeways
At the Bus Stop or Walking to or from School
On the Bus
Restroom (Bathroom)
Other Areas (Office; Gym; Others)

Question Title

* 11. Place a check mark in the box that is most true

  Often (several times each week) Occasionally (about once or twice a month) Not Often (less than once a month) Never
I have seen other students in school harassed (called names or picked on) because of:the color of their skin
I have heard students called "retard"
I have heard other students say "that's so gay"
I have heard students be called mean and hurtful names because they are girls
I have heard students be called mean and hurtful names because they are boys
I have heard students be teased about not being smart
I have heard students be teased about being too smart
I have heard students be teased because of the way they look (examples: being overweight; or because they have difficulty walking; or because they have lots of freckles; etc.)

Question Title

* 12. How do you feel if you see someone being disrespectful or hurtful to another student?

Question Title

* 13. If you saw another student being bullied, what would you do?

  Always Usually Not Usually Never
I would tell the bully to stop
I would laugh along or join in the teasing
I would walk away without saying anything
I would go tell an adult
I would do nothing
I would try to comfort the victim
I would encourage the victim to leave the area

Question Title

* 14. Place a check mark in the box that is most true

  Often (several times each week) Sometimes (about once a month) Not Often (less than once a month) Never
My teachers encourage me to work hard
My teachers help me understand what I need to do to succeed in school
My teachers challenge me to do my best work
My teachers give me help when I need it
My teachers inspire me to learn
I feel safe talking in front of my class
I feel valued by my partners when working in small groups

Question Title

* 15. My race / ethnicity:

Question Title

* 16. My Home Language Is:

Question Title

* 17. Do you have anything to say about bullying at your school?